Making a decision
Catherine Hamilton, a seasoned coach and Inclusion Diversity specialist has worked with corporate executives in large companies across sectors. Lockdown gave her time to pause and reflect on... what's next? how do I use this time to reframe and draw greater traction to my bigger vision and purpose?
It was about that time when she came across a linked in post inviting her to a free webinar being hosted by Amplenary co-founders. She took the bait and signed up and very quickly realised that this would be a great opportunity for her to self develop and draw focus on what matters most - what's next.
I embarked on the Amplenary programme during lockdown to focus on my development and my business growth - Catherine
The truth is not many people or leaders are following this strategy.
Time will show that that while they will come out stronger they will come out LESS stronger than they could - if they had invested time and effort on a structured personal development as a route to greater professional success and business growth. We hope you are one of the ones who take time out to train yourself and stretch your capabilities and capacities. And, we hope you are as a CEO or Board member or investor investing in developing your core team members and key staff.
Taking time out to focus on self development and and business growth during disruption is a game changing decision many leaders are taking during this disruptive period. Why? Reena shares, 'disruption is the most effective playground for leaders to develop self awareness and self mastery' She goes on the describe - its like molten lava post eruption - before it settles down into a hard crust make sure you have given the molten lava the direction and shape you want. We kinda get the visual! :-)
The Amplenary programme is special.
Co-founded by three entrepreneurs - a neuroscience coach, an executive coach and a personal brand expert this is the only programme of its kind in the marketplace. It was born of the idea that leaders need to do more than invest in business skills - they need to rigorously train their mindset and sharpen their personal brand. A leaf we have taken straight out of the world of sport coaching.
Reena was one of 3 female coaches and facilitators and brought so much wisdom, knowledge and experience to the programme. She has a unique ability to make sense of what has gone before, current explorations and then helping to focus on actions and what that means for future. She is generous with her thinking and time and I felt immensely privileged and lucky to have a 1:1 coaching session following the 6 week programme. As a coach myself I knew the value of this hour, yet it surpassed my expectations. - Catherine
A six week (2 sessions per week) online programme that covers 5 game changing topics to help embed an entrepreneurial mindset and brand - a must for every corporate executive and SME owner. Reena takes it a step ahead and says, ' Every person is a leader today. The difference is some are training themselves in a smarter way than others by mastering the science and art of being a leader'
Reena kept the focus on me and my needs, didn't let me off the hook for those difficult questions and understanding my blockers and used great insight and effective questions to direct different perspectives. Reena is fun to work with and I found her book "The Brilliance Quotient" a huge source of inspiration before I started this journey with her.
Covid 19 has left a lot of people looking for change and new directions. We urge you to consider what change you want to make and to consider taking a pause and reflecting on getting to know yourself, your strengths, your values, your goals and they aligning them to your purpose and leadership brand. Now is the time.
If you are looking for change, new directions, fine tuning your leadership and entrepreneurial skills then take a leap of faith and join the Amplenary journey. I have taken so much away and draw upon my learning regularly. Or sign up to some coaching with her. - Catherine
An Invitation for you
If you are ready to take the leap to exponential growth or are ready to invest in a team member, visit the Amplenary.com website or drop us a line at hello@reenadayal.com
They are offering free webinars - details here.
Get ready to focus on yourself and raise your game.
Author: The Collaborators UK Ltd
Team supporting the work being done by Reena Dayal and her many collaborations.
Get to know more about her here