I collaborated with Reena to co- write a chapter in her book The Brilliance Quotient. - Geraldine Gallahager
Geraldine Gallahager is the MD @ The Executive Coaching Consultancy and public speaker on the area of Women at the Top. Reena connected with her as part of her strategy to write a book which would bring together the voices of global experts and leaders so the readers could learn in one place from many.
Choosing a collaborator is a skill and many times people make mistakes in who they choose. Reena's own style is to start with clarity which is a great way to get collaborating. She says, "I try to get clear on a few aspects - what do I want? what does the other person want? what is the common ground and is the task at hand going to meet both our objectives. If yes, lets collaborate!"
Reena is an excellent writer and coach - she was effectively coaching me through my first experience of writing anything longer than an article. - Geraldine
Geraldine is not alone and her own book which is work in progress is going to be a blockbuster. She is wise, eloquent and have oodles of experience and insights to share. Many of you are the same. You will not be suprised and will probably agree with Reena when she says - "Every person has a book in them if not two"! Give yourself a chance to write and say what you need to say! You could make a difference to the lives of others!
If you have been thinking of writing for a long time and often wondered how here are three tips that people often do not work around - being shared with you via Reena's direct experience.
Define the audience you want to write to - Reena followed a template to get to that spot of complete clarity in her own head - right down to where they live, their challenges et all.
Design your book cover and title right at the start of the journey - After listing the chapters and rough sub topics she spent time visualising the book front cover and title. It makes the outcomes a reality - try it.
Work with someone who can be your accountability partner, sounding board and encourager. Reena had a coach who kept my focus steadfast on the outcomes she wanted to achieve - in her case to build her brand so she can meet her larger purpose - transform the world, One leader at a time. We love that mission!
I thoroughly enjoyed exploring the topic of #purposeful leadership with Reena and I strongly recommend the book. - Geraldine
It would amiss for us not to share the link where you can purchase this book. Click here and we will post one to you right away. The Brilliance Quotient
If you would like to collaborate with Reena to get to your big goals faster and with more purpose and impact drop us a line at reena@thecollaborators.org
The Collaborators UK team